Top Destinations to Go There
— online hotel reservations

Write a post and be in to win an iPhone 6!

How? It’s easy.

  • Write a blog post including photos about five destinations you’d love to return to.
  • Mention as host of the promotion
  • Nominate five other bloggers to share their top destinations
  • And you might be among some the first iPhone 6 owners!

For every 100 accepted posts we pick one in a random draw and present its author with one of these smartphones.

Our first winner has already been announced and we look forward to the next one. Share our promotion across your blogs and on social media to ensure we reach the next 100 even faster.

* By participation in Go There Promotion you accept the following terms and conditions.

How to participate in Go There?

What are your top 5 destinations? Share your travel knowledge, your posts and photos with Go There in 3 easy steps:

  • 1Write a blog post and upload photos of 5 places you loved and would return to.
  • 2Nominate five other bloggers to share their top destinations.
  • 3Copy and paste this sentence:
    " - Top Destinations to Go There" or, alternatively, click Add My Post + and copy/paste one of the image codes. We use these to find your post.

Once our moderators have checked your post (this can take several days) we will share it here.

Go There top destinations

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