Church of Santa Maria della Pieve in Arezzo

Corso Italia

The Church of Santa Maria della Pieve, dating back to the 12th century, stands as Arezzo's oldest church and is a must-visit for tourists in Italy. Its most striking feature is the exotic Romanesque arcaded facade, adorned with intricately carved columns, each uniquely decorated. The church also boasts the impressive 13th-century carved reliefs, known as the Cyclo dei Mesi, representing each month of the year above the central doorway. Inside, visitors will find a plain interior currently undergoing restoration, with the highlight being Pietro Lorenzetti's polyptych Madonna and Saints, a masterpiece created between 1320 and 1324. Additionally, the church is home to a 14th-century silver bust reliquary of the city's patron saint, San Donato, and other treasures such as a 13th-century crucifix by Margarito di Arezzo and a fresco by Andrea di Nerio dating back to 1331–1369. The historic and cultural significance of the Church of Santa Maria della Pieve is further enhanced by its architectural style and unique features. The church's Romanesque facade and the precious artworks housed within, including the polyptych and reliquary, offer a glimpse into the rich religious and artistic heritage of Arezzo. For visitors, the church provides an opportunity to immerse themselves in the artistic and religious traditions of the region, with the chance to witness restoration efforts and to marvel at the architectural and artistic masterpieces within its walls. The church's cultural significance is also reflected in its role as a site for religious practices and rituals, as well as in its ongoing preservation efforts to conserve its historical and artistic treasures for future generations. In addition to its architectural and cultural significance, the Church of Santa Maria della Pieve offers visitors the chance to engage with history through guided tours and educational activities. Its unique collection of artifacts, including the polyptych, reliquary, and frescoes, provides an opportunity for visitors to delve into the religious and artistic legacy of Arezzo. The church's role as a center for preservation efforts and restoration projects further underscores its importance as a site for cultural and historical education. Additionally, the church's rich history and architectural beauty make it a compelling destination for those seeking to explore and appreciate the cultural and artistic heritage of Arezzo.

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