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Teruel - Information

Teruel is a charming city in the eastern part of Spain's Aragon region. The city is known for its Mudejar architecture and for being the setting of a tragic love story. Teruel has a rich history that dates back to prehistoric times. In the 12th century, the city was conquered by the Moors, who left their mark on the city's architecture. The Mudejar architecture style is a blend of Islamic and Christian designs and is evident in some of the city's most iconic buildings. One of Teruel's most popular tourist attractions is the Torre de El Salvador, a 14th-century tower that offers stunning views of the city. The Teruel Cathedral, built in the 13th century, is also a must-visit site. Visitors will be awed by the intricate designs and beautiful stained-glass windows. The city's Plaza del Torico is another popular attraction, where visitors can find a bronze sculpture of a bull and a small fountain. Teruel is also famous for the tragic love story of Isabel de Segura and Diego de Marcilla. The story dates back to the 13th century and tells of a young couple who were deeply in love, but their families were enemies. Diego went off to fight in a battle against the Moors, promising to return to marry Isabel. However, he was believed to have died in the battle, and Isabel was forced to marry another man. Years later, Diego returned, but it was too late as Isabel had died of a broken heart. Today, visitors can visit the Lovers of Teruel mausoleum, which was built in their honor. In addition to its rich history and architecture, Teruel is also known for its local cuisine. Visitors can sample the city's delicious ham, olive oil, and the popular Ternasco de Aragon, a roasted lamb dish. Overall, Teruel is a fascinating city that offers visitors a unique blend of history, culture, and cuisine.

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