Come to Schotten without spending a fortune if you stay at a low-budget Pension Haus Ludwig that offers rates at 68US$. Enjoy your stay at Pension Haus Ludwig in Schotten city center if you're on a modest budget. Consider staying at a hotel near Gackerstein, such as the budget-friendly Pension Haus Ludwig where prices start at 68US$.
- Price: low to high
- Price: high to low
- Guest rating: high to low
- Popularity: high to low
FAQs about hotels in Schotten
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
What are the top hotels in Schotten with a central location?
Our travel data based on 146 customers' reviews show the top places in Schotten city center. The best hotel in Schotten city center is Parkhotel Schotten rated 8.0/10, offering full body massage, head massage, a spa lounge on site. Go here to see more central hotels.
What are the top cheap hotels in Schotten?
There are more than 3 top budget properties in Schotten. Akzent Hotel Haus Sonnenberg with a rating 8.4/10 is a good option set 2 miles from Alteburgkopf. At this 3-star hotel you can take advantage of full body massage, head massage, a spa lounge. Customers mentioned a first-class service. To see more cheap hotels go here.
What are the top Schotten hotels for couples?
According to travel data, there are 4 deals for couples. Check Parkhotel Schotten rated 8.0/10 with full body massage, head massage, a spa lounge. It’s set 2.1 miles from Golfclub Eschenrod e.V and costs about 136US$ per night. For more romantic deals go here.
What are the most popular Schotten properties near Vogelpark Schotten?
According to travel data, customers love staying at Akzent Hotel Haus Sonnenberg (rating: 8.4/10), which offers a golf course, full body massage, a spa lounge. It’s set a 15-minute walk from Vogelpark Schotten. For more suitable options go here.
Which hotels are the best ones to stay at in Schotten?
For instance, book Berggasthof Hoherodskopf rated 8.6/10 for 76US$ per night. It's set 1.4 miles from Bilstein and provides cribs, meals, snow skiing. Also, you may book Pension Haus Ludwig (rating: 8.4/10), a fantastic hotel with a picnic area, cribs, hiking. It costs about 67US$ per night.
What are the most favored luxury hotels in Schotten?
Check Hotel Im Hochzeitshaus rated 8.4/10 at the cost of 64US$ per night. It's located 0.3 miles from Eppsteiner Schloss and provides a golf course, cribs, windsurfing.
What are the most favored spa hotels in Schotten?
You may book Parkhotel Schotten, a nice spa hotel featuring full body massage, head massage, a spa lounge. It costs 136US$ per night. As an alternative, book Akzent Hotel Haus Sonnenberg (rating: 8.4/10), which costs 92US$ per night and offers full body massage, head massage, a spa lounge.
How much do hotels in Schotten cost?
Of course, the prices change in Schotten depending on the season, but on average:
A 3-star hotel room costs about 136US$ per night. Check Parkhotel Schotten (rating: 8.0/10).
A 4-star hotel room costs 64US$ per night. You may book Hotel Im Hochzeitshaus with a golf course, cribs, windsurfing.
How much does it cost to stay in a Schotten hotel for tonight?
According to travel data, the average Schotten prices for tonight are:
One of the best hotels Parkhotel Schotten (rating: 8.0/10) offers rates from 64US$ per night.
What are the most popular resorts in Schotten?
To stay at the top Schotten resort, check 3 properties on Alternatively, check Parkhotel Schotten (rating: 8.0/10) for 136US$ per night. It provides full body massage, head massage, a spa lounge.
Where to stay in Schotten?
🏨 Hotels in Schotten | 6 |
👛 Lowest price | 47 USD |
✍️ Hotels Reviews | 167 |