6.4 mi from San Giuseppe Jato6.4 mi from City Center
Near the 3-star Del Centro, there is a train station and guests can easily reach Museo I pupi di Partinico which is nearly a 9-minute stroll from from the 3-star Del Centro.
6.3 mi from San Giuseppe Jato6.3 mi from City Center
Lago Poma is 10 minutes by foot from the Kalsa Sicilian Rooms Partinico, while Santuario di Maria Santissima Addolorata del Romitello is 10 minutes away by car.
5.9 mi from San Giuseppe Jato5.9 mi from City Center
While staying at the Torre Turrisi you are invited to discover Fontana degli Otto Cannoli, set 20 minutes' walk away, or Biblioteca Comunale Partinico, which is 1 miles away.
1273 yd from San Giuseppe Jato1273 yd from City Center
While staying at the 3-star B&B Federico II San Cipirello you are invited to discover Area Archeologica Monte Jato, set merely 0.8 miles away, or Chiesa di San Francesco di Paola, which is 0.6 miles away.
6.3 mi from San Giuseppe Jato6.3 mi from City Center
While staying at the Room In Sicily Partinico you are invited to discover Santuario di Maria Santissima Addolorata del Romitello, set a 10-minute drive away, or Lago Poma, which is 1.1 miles away.
1.1 mi from San Giuseppe Jato1.1 mi from City Center
While staying in the hotel you are invited to discover Monte Iato, set approximately 10 minutes' ride away, or Chiesa Anime Sante, which is around 20 minutes' stroll away.
1.6 mi from San Giuseppe Jato1.6 mi from City Center
FromUS$ 72
FAQs about hotels in San Giuseppe Jato
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
Which budget hotels in San Giuseppe Jato are the best?
There are more than 4 top budget properties in San Giuseppe Jato. Kairos B&B rated 8.2/10 is great for your budget stay in San Giuseppe Jato. This property has an outdoor swimming pool, cribs, and ironing. To check more cheap hotels click here.
Which hotels for couples in San Giuseppe Jato are the best to stay at?
According to Booked.net travel data, there are 4 deals for couples. Check Kairos B&B rated 8.2/10 with an outdoor swimming pool, cribs, and ironing. It’s set 2.1 miles from Chiesa Anime Sante and costs about 97US$ per night. To see more romantic hotels click here.
Which San Giuseppe Jato hotels are the best to stay at?
For instance, book Kairos B&B rated 8.2/10 for 97US$ per night. It's set 2 miles from San Francesco di Paola and provides an outdoor swimming pool, cribs, and ironing. Alternatively, you may like Sweet Home with free private parking, free parking, and 24-hour reception. It costs 80US$ per night.
How much is an average San Giuseppe Jato hotel price?
Of course, the prices change in San Giuseppe Jato depending on the season, but on average: A 3-star hotel room costs 108US$ per night, for instance, check Agriturismo Masseria La Chiusa with an outdoor swimming pool, a picnic area, and concierge service.
San Giuseppe Jato hotels essential information
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