2.3 mi from City Center1155 yd from International Convention Center of Yucatan
Located 8 minutes by foot from Monumento a la Patria and within 25 minutes' walk of Paseo Montejo, the exclusive Delfina Boutique features various recreational opportunities and loungers.
2.4 mi from City Center1415 yd from International Convention Center of Yucatan
FromUS$ 20
FAQs about hotels in Paseo de Montejo
In these 4 answers, you will find our recommendations about different properties. We hope you'll like your stay at one of these hotels in Paseo de Montejo, Mérida.
What are the most favorite Mérida hotels in Paseo de Montejo district?
If you're searching for the best hotel, there are 3 deals in Paseo de Montejo district. We recommend Delfina Boutique Hotel with an outdoor swimming pool, a private swimming pool and free shuttle bus service on site. This top property is set 0.7 miles from Colonia Mexico Park and costs 129US$ per night.
What are the best 5-star hotels in Paseo de Montejo district?
One of the best 5-star venues is Delfina Boutique Hotel (rating: 8.0/10) with an outdoor swimming pool, a private swimming pool and free shuttle bus service on site. It costs 129US$ per night.
What are the best hotels featuring pools in Paseo de Montejo district?
We recommend Delfina Boutique Hotel rated 8.0/10, featuring an outdoor swimming pool, medical service and concierge service on site. It's situated 2 miles from Mercado de Santiago.
What are the most popular hotels with free parking in Paseo de Montejo district?
Check Delfina Boutique Hotel (rating: 8.0/10) at the price of 129US$ per night.
Hotels in Paseo de Montejo, Mérida essential information
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