For those looking to be close to Kaplnka sv. Ondreja, Hotel Diana will put you within a 10-minute walk from the city center where you can find a range of sights. Hotel Diana is a 3-star hotel within a 5-minute walk to Trencianske muzeum.
- Price: low to high
- Price: high to low
- Guest rating: high to low
- Popularity: high to low
FAQs about hotels in Nové Mesto nad Váhom
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
What are the best city center hotels in Nové Mesto nad Váhom?
Our travel data based on 90 travelers' reviews show the top places in Nové Mesto nad Váhom city center. Located 0.4 miles from the city center, Hotel Diana offers a business center, a special menu, hiking on site. Go here to see more central hotels.
What are the best cheap hotels in Nové Mesto nad Váhom?
There are more than 3 top budget properties in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Penzion Adriana rated 8.2/10 is great for your budget stay in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. This property has a tennis court, a picnic area, cribs. To check more cheap hotels click here.
What are the top properties for couples in Nové Mesto nad Váhom?
According to travel data, there are 7 deals for couples. Check Hotel Diana rated 8.4/10 with a business center, a special menu, hiking. It’s set 2.6 miles from Park v Kocovciach and costs about 80US$ per night. Go here to check more romantic accommodations.
Which Nové Mesto nad Váhom hotels next to Kaplnka sv. Ondreja are the best?
According to travel data, travelers love staying at Hotel Diana (rating: 8.4/10), which offers a business center, a special menu, hiking. It’s set a 10-minute walk from Kaplnka sv. Ondreja. See more top accommodations here.
Which Nové Mesto nad Váhom hotels are the best to stay at?
You may book Hotel Diana rated 8.4/10 with a business center, a special menu, hiking. It costs 80US$ per night. Also, you may book Penzion Adriana (rating: 8.2/10), a fantastic hotel with a tennis court, a picnic area, cribs. It costs about 69US$ per night.
Which luxury accommodations in Nové Mesto nad Váhom are the top?
Check Park - 2 Izbove Apartmany Na Prenajom rated 8.4/10 at the cost of 63US$ per night. It's located 0.3 miles from Kaplnka sv. Ondreja and provides a picnic area, cribs, hiking.
How much is an average Nové Mesto nad Váhom hotel price?
According to travel data, the average prices for Nové Mesto nad Váhom hotels are:
A 3-star hotel room costs 80US$ per night, for instance, check Hotel Diana with a business center, a special menu, hiking.
A 4-star hotel room costs 63US$ per night. You may book Park - 2 Izbove Apartmany Na Prenajom with a picnic area, cribs, hiking.
Where to stay in Nové Mesto nad Váhom?
🏨 Hotels in Nové Mesto nad Váhom | 31 |
👛 Lowest price | 41 USD |
✍️ Hotels Reviews | 737 |