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FAQs about hotels near Piazza Navona
Our FAQs contain 10 questions about hotels close to Piazza Navona.
What are the best budget hotels to book near Piazza Navona?
Booked.net offers more than 395 budget deals to stay not far from Piazza Navona.
Patria is the most popular budget accommodation 1.1 miles from Piazza Navona providing free shuttle service, concierge service and cribs.
Try as well Capitol — it is rated 7.0/10 and costs 82US$ per night.
What are the best hotels near Piazza Navona?
For those looking for a hotel not far from Piazza Navona, we offer 749 top deals.
According to 238523 reviews, Booked.net travelers usually choose Hotel Fellini, set 0.7 miles from Piazza Navona.
Mascagni may be as well suitable with free shuttle bus service, concierge service and meals.
Other top-rated options include Royal B&B, Casa Per Ferie Domus Helena and Hotel La Residenza.
How much does it cost to book a hotel not far from Piazza Navona?
For a top hotel not far from Piazza Navona you will pay about 140US$ per night.
Find out Donna Camilla Savelli rated 8.6/10 with room rates from 13US$ per one night.
One more suitable place is Caravel — pay about 74US$ to book it.
Other great deals are Navona Street Hotel, Cilicia and Ergife Palace.
What are the top Piazza Navona hotels with free parking?
Find out our 26 top properties with free parking not far from Piazza Navona.
Located 2.3 miles from Piazza Navona, Grand Hotel Hermitage is one of the best Rome options with climate control, a balcony and a dining area in the rooms for 592US$ per one night.
We would also recommend Hotel Celio at the cost of 215US$ per night.
Other historical hotels in Rome are Hotel Villa San Pio, Albani Roma and Hotel Sole Roma.
What are the best cheap villas next to Piazza Navona?
According to our travelers' ranking above 8.0/10, the most popular budget villa not far from Piazza Navona is Savorelli Vatican Apartment from 67US$ per night.
What are the most popular Piazza Navona hotels for a family stay?
Based on our Booked.net travel data, there are 324 kid-friendly choices to choose.
With a stay at Marriott Grand Flora (rating: 8.2/10), travelers can enjoy medical service, wedding services and newspaper service on site. This property is set a 20-minute walk from the attraction and a 10-minute walk from the Piazza di Spagna Metro subway station. Other top options are Pinewood Hotel, Torino and Hotel Delle Nazioni.
Do any hotels not far from Piazza Navona in Rome offer free breakfast?
There are 290 deals providing free breakfast on Booked.net. We recommend Antico Palazzo Rospigliosi rated 7.0/10, which is set 1.3 miles from Piazza Navona. Travelers can enjoy Italian, Mediterranean, Lazio and Central-Italian meals at La Mela D'Oro restaurant nearby.
Other suitable options are Royal Court, Hotel Casa Tra Noi and Hotel Clodio.
Which hotels near Piazza Navona allow pets?
If you want to stay not far from Piazza Navona with pets, Booked.net offers 336 deals to choose from.
Other top options are Vibe Nazionale, Daniela and Empire Palace Hotel.
How much are villas close to Piazza Navona?
Casa Tony is one of the finest villas not far from Piazza Navona from 42US$ per night.
Which apartments next to Piazza Navona allow pets?
Travelers who stayed in Rome with pets left positive feedback about Villa Albani Luxury Suite (rating: 8.4/10) offering board games and airport transfer service.
Hotels near Piazza Navona essential information
🏨 Hotels near Piazza Navona | 13604 |
👛 Lowest price | 7 USD |
✍️ Hotels Reviews | 644 971 |