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FAQs about villas in San Carlos
In these 5 answers, you will find information about the best San Carlos center vacation villas.
What are the most popular beachfront villas in San Carlos?
According to Booked.net travel data, there are 3 beachfront properties to choose from. You may book Beach House In Pacific Paridise for 270US$ per night. This nice vacation property offers an outdoor swimming pool, windsurfing and diving on site.
What are the top villas in San Carlos with a pool?
To relax around a pool, Booked.net offers 3 accommodations to choose from. We recommend Beach House In Pacific Paridise with an outdoor swimming pool, a golf course and diving on site.
How much does it cost to rent 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, 3-bedroom villas in San Carlos?
A 1-bedroom villa for rent costs 330US$ per night. For instance, check Villa De Playa El Campanario. Also guests like staying at the 3-bedroom villa — Linda House In David, Chiriqui for 120US$ per night.
What are the most popular pet-friendly vacation villas in San Carlos?
Choose the best pet-friendly villa in San Carlos among 3 options for your fantastic stay. We recommend Beach House In Pacific Paridise with an outdoor swimming pool, a golf course and diving on site for 270US$ per night.
What are the top San Carlos villas not far from a lake?
If you want to stay not far from a lake, check Beach House In Pacific Paridise at the price of 270US$ per night.
Villas in San Carlos essential information
🏨 Villas in San Carlos | 20 |
👛 Lowest price | 20 USD |
✍️ Villas Reviews | 9 |